The Dhanak samaj in the present day forms major group of the scheduled castes. The estimated population of the Dhanak castes is more then 500 lacs, spread over in the 18 states of India – Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pardesh, Chandigarh , Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttranchal, Uttar Pardesh, Madhaya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Andhara Pradesh, Maharastra and Gujrat etc. The Dhanak communities are known by different names in various states, such as Dhanak, Dhanuk, Dhanaka, Dhanakia , Julaha, Kabeerpanthi, Bhagat, Barar, Banskar, Bhasod, Bansfod, Bargi, Bagri, Sais, Bunkar, Vankar , Raut, Tadavi, Tateria , Katheria, Halpati etc. The Dhanak castes and communities always had clean and noble occupation. The Dhanak samaj are known as 52 roopi castes. Their occupations have been such as weaving of clothes, rearing of sheeps-goats-camels-horses, masonary works, shelling of food grains, band-baja, making of durries, jute and cane furniture, chatai, art and craft, bamboo art works, musical arts and classical instruments, interior decorators, flower making , flower decorations, auto workshops and agriculture and agriculture related jobs etc. and it is now changing by the times and making inroads in to the modern engineering, technological and in the professional courses.
i think like tirgar,kurmi ,koeri, patel, morya, kusvha and many more caste also belongs to the dhanak