Wednesday, May 2, 2012

All India Dhanak Organisation

The All India Dhanak Organisation   is the only National Registered Organisation which is working for upliftment and fighting for the rights of Dhanak – Dhanuk and Dhanaka communities and other suppressed people of India. Dhanak samaj’s population is as per census of India is more than 500 Lacs. But this is a matter of great regret that 80% of population is living below poverty line. Today even after 62 years of independence we the Dhanak samaj are going more backward than other community. The only reason is because non of our  leaders came and fought for our rights and integrated us and if any Dhanak leader came, he came for himself – his family and made everything for his own. The All India Dhanak organisation is formed by our former National President Late Sh. Dharam Pal Kirar, who was Ex Commissioner and who Resigned his Commissioner’s Post only to fight for the rights of Dhanak samaj because on the Government service he could’nt do anything for Dhanak samaj openly. I, Yogesh Kirar, Present National President of All India Dhanak Organisation would like to share some of our Dhanak samaj facts for your knowledge. Our Samaj sacrificed time and time again and still we got nothing but  Poverty.  So I am trying to unite all the Dhanaks of India. It is impossible for one person to do anything alone. So I need your blessing – support and your presence. We will fight for our rights and get our rightful share which some other communities have been taking since many years.